Saturday, 25 May 2013

Kepada Ketua MCA Gombak Yip Kum Fook

Kepada Ketua MCA Gombak Yip Kum Fook

Menbaca berita dari Media dan berpendapat berita dari orang ramai Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong berkenaan kelakuan yang benar-benar “U” (Yip Kum Fook) tipu perempuan dan merosakan keluarga orang lain dan memakan wang Tokong (SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE), bermalu-malukan parti MCA Malaysia, masyarakat Cina dan penganut Agama Buddha…….

Kami harap “U” menujukan satu contohan yang baik, letakan jawatan Ketua MCA Gombak dan pengerusi SAMNAK SAMBODHI dan lain-lain jawatan dengan segara.

Sekian Terima Kesih

Persatuan Buddhis Malaysia



    Ketua polis dan Immigration Malaysia,,

    Suka disini kami ingin mengaduan ada sebuah Kuil Buddhis yang bernama PERSATUAN BUDDHIST SAMNAK SAMBODHI, No: 19 Jalan 38 Tmn Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. Di mimpin olih YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK).

    Mereka bersembuyin berratus-ratus orang perlarian haram dari Myanmar dan mereka sentiasa siang malam berbising-bising, bergudi dan berokok di dalam dewan Kuil. Perangai mereka tak semacam orang beragama Buddhis, ini sangat mengganggu ketenteraman dan keselamatan orang ramai di Taman yang tersebut

    Harap Tuan mengambil perhatian dan tindakan dengan segera.

    Sekian, terima Kasih

    Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur

  2. YIP KUM FOOK is a rebellious person and Rebellious is an adjective that describes someone who opposes or breaks the Buddhist monastic rules. ... Such an act may be characterized as rebellion, but rebellion is more commonly used to describe a person or action that violates Buddhist rules, instead of challenging the status of Buddhist teachings

    YIP KUM FOOK brings the Buddhist monk out of the Temple, calls the Malay police to harass the monk in the Temple because he thinks the temple belongs to him… This YIP KUM FOOK will be the enemy of the Buddha forever in this life and the next life
    Last time we were committee members at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE and the founding group but when YIP KUM FOOK became the temple president, he removed us from the members without informing us anything

    YIP KUM FOOK ialah seorang yang derhaka dan Rebellious ialah kata sifat yang menggambarkan seseorang yang menentang atau melanggar peraturan monastik Buddha. ... Perbuatan sedemikian mungkin disifatkan sebagai pemberontakan, tetapi pemberontakan lebih biasa digunakan untuk menggambarkan seseorang atau tindakan yang melanggar peraturan Buddha, bukannya mencabar status ajaran Buddha.
    YIP KUM FOOK membawa sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil, memanggil polis Melayu untuk mengganggu sami di Kuil kerana dia menganggap kuil itu miliknya… YIP KUM FOOK ini akan menjadi musuh Buddha selama-lamanya dalam kehidupan ini dan seterusnya kehidupan
    Kali terakhir kami menjadi ahli jawatankuasa di SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE dan kumpulan pengasas tetapi apabila YIP KUM FOOK menjadi presiden kuil, dia mengeluarkan kami daripada ahli tanpa memberitahu kami apa-apa.
    By khor hong hw and friends

  3. we went to mention VENERABLE PIYA DHAMMO (Penang) about YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong ... this YIP KUM FOOK always called the police to come to the temple to harass and arrest Buddhist monks

    He is very stupid and bad in the world because Buddhist monks visit and come to any temple for they to practice Dhamma and come to learn Dhamma for get more experience in their way of life but this YIP KUM FOOK still thinks negatively to benefit himself

    YIP KUM FOOK knows how to use police and thugs to harass only but Dhamma or Buddhist teachings he doesn't know, maybe pay money to police and thugs to do this project

    VENERABLE PIYA DHAMMO(Penang) is not live alone, we will help and find out about YIP KUM FOOK make problem in Buddhist, now is times technology is very easy to research about YIP KUM FOOK information detail, in future he will need to answer in what he does mistake with monk’s world groups

    Chaiya Mangalaram Thai Buddhist Temple, Penang

  4. Venerable PHRA PIYA DHAMMO is a retired police officer of the Singapore narcotics criminal investigation department, after he retired and he joined the monastic life at the Mahindarama Temple in Penang under Venerable Dr. Elgiriye Indarathana, the incumbent chief at the time

    Later, he practiced Buddhist teachings, Dhamma, and temple rules by wearing white clothes for three years before being ordained a Buddhist monk and he lived with a chief monk for five years to study full subjects in Buddhism to follow the rules of Vinaya (culture, morality, meditation and others)

    Therefore, my Master (Phra Piya Dhammo) said, he travelled to many places to practice the Dhamma and gain more experience in the areas of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Melaka

    And he stopped at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong for training under a good MASTER there, but so many Ghosts to be bothered as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer), this YIP KUM FOOK is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI and YIP KUM THIS FOOK also called the police to arrest him, using that annoying gangster as well

    Many things my Master told us about him traveling for Dhamma training, the worst place in SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) did not respect the monks and other committee members


  5. Datuk Yip Kum Fook is very stupid and very uneducated, and also a poor man because he was cheated of monk's money but soon he will suffer, his Kamma will come back to him in the near future, he doesn't know about the power of Buddhist monks....

    He likes to bad dirty to play with the Buddhist monks and he doesn't know that the monks are students of the great Buddhist teacher, also he can't erase what he did with the monks before...The Buddhist monks come to practice at the Temple but he call the police and gangsters to harass them until the monks have to leave the temple

    This man (Datuk Yip) may be doing illegal things because he is a businessperson as a furniture store in Taman Daya, Kepong only but some say he has a lot of property in the Kepong area, now many are slandering him in various ways. Hope this new government needs to know about him

    Maybe the property of the Temple is also his name because he did the documents for the temple, this man can't be trusted because his face is like a robber and like a thug...he took some Buddhist monks out of the temple until today, everything is not solved, why! Because Buddhist monks have their power

    My name is ah Keong and the first committee member of Samnak Sambodhi(Taman Desa Jaya), we started a Temple in Taman Ehsan, Kepong with our Master and hope to share this message to everyone in Malaysia

  6. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK sangat bodoh dan berfikiran sempit kerana ilmu politik bermain di kuil Buddha di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, kini kuil Buddha diboikot olih penganut, dan orang mengadu di internet, memalukan penganut Buddha.

    Kami kenal dia sejak muda, dia berasal dari keluarga miskin, di Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, dan keluarganya berniaga di Pasar, Selayang, bapanya kawan baik saya tetapi dia mengeluarkan sami Buddha dari Kuil, sebab itu kami tidak tidak suka dia.

    Dia berpura-pura menjadi orang yang beragama tetapi fikirannya sangat kotor dan menipu, tidak lama lagi karmanya akan menjatuhkannya, dia menjadi musuh semua kawannya sekarang kerana fikirannya terlalu sempit.

    Dari Danny Chan, Taman Ehsan, kepong
